Ledizolv Detergent

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Ledizolv® is the Lead-Specific Detergent scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards. 

Ledizolv® Detergent - CHM5030

Scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards.

Millions of homes, schools, day care centers and other buildings contain lead-based paint and/or other sources of lead-contaminated dust(LCD). This dust is the primary cause of childhood lead poisoning, which is the leading environmental health risk to young children. According to HUD and EPA, the best way to make a home lead-safe is to perform specialized cleaning activities on a regular basis with a lead-specific detergent. Ledizolv® is the Lead-Specific Detergent scientifically formulated for use in the clean-up and control of LCD hazards. Surf through this site to find how to make homes, schools, and other buildings lead-safe.

  • Reduces LCD hazards.
  • Superior to TSP in removing LCD.
  • Reduces clearance failures by 95% & more.
  • Used worldwide by abatement contractors.
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Brand Ledizolv
Chemical Type Detergent
Remover Lead
Dilution Ready-to-Use
Packed As Gallon
Container Type 1 gallon
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